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The Pupil Premium is government money designed to help disadvantaged children and young people do well in school. Every school has a duty to ensure that every individual child is given the best possible chance of achieving their potential and these payments are to help do that.

How is The Pupil Premium allocated to The Telford Priory School?

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools based on the number of students from Y7 to Y11 who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) (or have been eligible in the last six years), children who have been continuously looked after for one day or more and children who have parents in the British Armed Forces.

How is the money spent?

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual students within their responsibility.

Which students are prioritised?

  • FSM students and other vulnerable students who are underachieving at KS4
  • FSM students and other vulnerable students who are in danger of underachieving at KS4
  • FSM students and other vulnerable students who are underachieving at KS3
  • Other underachieving students
  • Looked after children

TPS use the Pupil Premium to meet the outcomes within the school Pupil Premium Plan:

  • Secure quality first teaching
  • Improve standards of literacy and numeracy
  • Accelerate progress and attainment
  • Increase attendance
  • Improve behaviour
  • Improve parental and family engagement
  • Raise aspirations and improve life chances

These outcomes support the allocation of funding three activity types:

  1. Support
  2. Intervention
  3. Enrichment


  • Delivery of Accelerated Reader Programme
  • Additional SEND provision. This enables TPS to support students with high level behaviour or learning needs much more quickly and has resulted in an increase in the number of students that have statements Pastoral Leaders
  • Learning Mentors
  • Assertive mentoring
  • Nurture
  • Investment in high quality training and performance management systems for Teachers and Learning Support Assistants
  • Rigorous student performance management system which involve discussions about performance of students within individual classes


  • Holiday and after school revision classes
  • Targeted intervention sessions for Maths, English and Science groups. Each of the core subject areas run an after school session focussing on developing pupils examination skills
  • Additional staffing to teach Maths English and Science in very small groups to the most vulnerable students and the employment of Maths & English Mentors
  • Targeted intervention sessions for non-core groups. Each of the non-core subject areas runs an after school session focussing on developing pupils examination skills.
  • Staffing to deliver corrective literacy and numeracy
  • Purchase of licenses for Accelerated Reading Programme. This is used to target students with very low levels of literacy
  • Staff are aware of the pupil premium students through highlighting them on mark sheets and are able focus on accelerating their progress
  • Analysis of termly data to track the progress of Pupil Premium students and adjust interventions where necessary
  • Comparing performance of Pupil Premium students with national data rather than local and also raising expectations to reach national expectations of 'all pupils' rather than 'Pupil Premium' groups


  • Subsidising student visits so that they can see performances of plays for example Blood Brothers
  • Subsidising enrichment opportunities in after school programmes for example PP pupils could be supported to go to a wide range of activities and experiences such as sporting events and theatre visits

How will parents know it is working?

TPS tracks all students' progress each term, so it can quickly see if plans are working. If a student takes part in an intervention programme, the aim is to measure how they are doing at the start of the programme, and again at the end, so the difference can be easily seen. The Telford Priory School will report back at parents' evenings, although information on your child's progress is available at any time, please get in touch with their tutor to request this.

How can parents get more information on allocation of the Pupil Premium?

For information about how TPS plans provision and tracks progress please contact Assistant Headteacher (ARR/ Disadvantaged).

How can I find out if my child could have free school meals?

Please contact The Telford Priory School Reception who will be happy to help.