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Meet the team

Laura Burke – Service Families Co-Ordinator.

We are delighted to welcome you to our school. Myself and my colleagues, Mr Pool and Ms Fagan, are your key services link people alongside your head of year and your tutor. We meet once a term as a group and we have lots of fun activities where you can meet other service children and receive support and advice from people who understand your unique situation.

Please feel free to contact me any time for support, advice or information.

Susie Fagan – Deputy SENDCo.

Important Information

  • Welcome from the Head
  • Where to buy uniform
  • How to get here

  • Your first day 

    • Your first day can seem very scary and overwhelming, but there will be staff and students who will help you settle in to our school. You will have received your timetable and usually had a tour by the time you start, so once you arrive, you’ll be taken to meet your Head of Year and your tutor. You will usually be assigned a buddy and they will be around to help you too.

      I will introduce myself to you as soon as possible and you can pop into any of the Service Team’s offices for support any time.

      At TPS we follow a 6 period timetable of 50mins per period. In KS4, some periods are doubles. Break time is at 10.40 for 20mins and lunch is split depending on your year group and lasts half an hour. If you are in Y11, you’ll also have a period 7 where you are invited to Impact sessions for GCSE.

      We have lots of clubs available at TPS for you to join in and make new friends. You can find the up to date timetable on our social media pages.

  • Parent Pay

    • We use parent pay at TPS and we are a cashless school. Please follow the link for more information and for specific enquiries, please contact

  • Catering

  • Our school ethos

  • The school day

  • New to the area

Pupil Premium

Service PP are students who meet one of the following criteria:

  • At least one of their parents is serving in the regular armed forces or is on a full time commitment as part of their full time reserve service.
  • One of their parents died whilst serving in the armed forces and the pupil receives a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme or the War Pensions Scheme.

Service PP students are catered for within the PP plan which is available on our website:

Funds are allocated to improve outcomes and to support teaching and learning. As a result, we do not allocate funds to individuals. If you do require support with the costs of school, including uniform, trips or resources for school, then please do contact your child’s Head of Year or Laura Burke on